
05 March 2012

the little things

It's a good night if I only wake up once during the night. 

Last night I woke up. I stayed awake. Sleep would not come. Then the husband rolled over and he began to rub my back. Oh so soothing and calming. In the morning when I thanked him, he had no recollection of it. He had massaged my back in his sleep! 

I love this man.


  1. Wow! We're so much alike! I wake up it seems like a million times at it's a good night for me, too, if I only wake up once. That's sweet of your husband to rub your back in his sleep. :)

  2. Glad to hear someone else can't get a full night's sleep either! My doctor told me that I could try listening to tapes with "hypnosis" or something. But that stuff just frightens me and I haven't done it.
