
26 June 2012

Write about the place you chose to marry and why? ~Family History Tuesday~

We chose to marry in the Salt Lake Temple. Why you ask?

I always knew that if I was to marry, I would only do it in a place where we could make the commitment, the promise, to each other and God, that we were in it together, forever. The only place I knew we could do that was in a House of the Lord --an LDS Temple. Also, the one who performed the wedding would be someone with the authority from God to do so. Otherwise, I wouldn't marry.

"Life's greatest joys are found in the family. Strong family relationships require effort, but such effort brings great happiness in this life and throughout eternity. In our Heavenly Father's plan of happiness, a man and a woman can be sealed to one another for time and all eternity. Those who are sealed in the temple have the assurance that their relationship will continue forever if they are true to their covenants. They know that nothing, not even death, can permanently separate them." -lds marriage


{Find Family History prompts at designzbydede}

19 June 2012

What family traditions do you recall which may have had their origins in a foreign land?~Family History Tuesday~

One of the tastiest ones is "chocolate y panettone"

On Christmas Eve we all stay up late, waiting for Christmas day. At exactly midnight we all wish each other a "Merry Christmas" or "Feliz Navidad" with a hug.  Then it's time to break out the specially-made hot chocolate. It's a steamy mixture of bittersweet chocolate squares swirled into condensed milk. Piping hot and dee-licious!

Next, slices of an extraordinary bread are eaten.  As a child, my mother could not find this special bread, from her home country, in our local stores.We ended up eating Hawaiian Bread --it most resembled and tasted like "Panettone".

It wasn't until we were well into our young adulthood that the high, circular bread was finally being sold in nearby stores. One year I even found a chocolate chip one at our local Target store.

{Find Family History Tuesday prompts at designzbydede}

12 June 2012

Were you ever in a flood, tornado, snowstorm, earthquake or other natural disaster?~Family History Tuesday~

I can only remember one instance where I might have been in a natural disaster.

My family was visiting South America. We were all sittting under an overhang facing out into an open patio area, which was located in the center of a home.

kind of like this
{except this is Hotel Wiracocha Cusco}
I was sitting comfortably on a couch enjoying the company of my cousins, aunts and uncles when, out of the blue, everyone rushed out into the center of the patio. My family was the only one left sitting under the overhang. I sat there, confused as to what had caused everyone else to suddenly escape out into the open area. 

I had only felt a slight rumble under my feet, as if a heavy truck had just passed by --usually no cause for alarm. Though our extended family was very aware of the earthquake tremor they had just felt.

My first, and hopefully my last, earthquake and I didn't even know it!

{Find Family History Tuesday prompts at designzbydede}

05 June 2012

The first time you went away for more than a few days, what feelings went through you when you came back and caught sight of your house?~Family History Tuesday~

I had to dig back in my memories for the many instances I was away from home. I tried to remember the earliest times when our family would leave for vacation to the beach, NY, the World's Fair, Disneyworld, then off to college, but none stuck out in my mind of having any overwhelming feelings of seeing my home again.

Then another memory came to me!

It was two decades ago, I was leaving home to serve as a missionary for the Church I belong to.  I was traveling on a plane with no family or friends for the first time in my life.  As the plane ascended into the air I remember looking down at my hometown as it got smaller and smaller.  Suddenly I felt as if I couldn't breathe!  I choked out sobs to the surprise of myself and I'm sure my seatmates.  Watching my home disappear, as we climbed through the clouds, made me realize I would not be home anymore!

When I did return home, after a 1 1/2 year mission in another country, and saw the house where I had grown up in, all I could think of was how clean, lush with plants and orderly everything outside seemed to be. I was glad to be home. 

{Find Family History Tuesday prompts at designz by dede}

01 June 2012


Have I told you that I go to church every Sunday?  I do.

My husband and I have been asked to teach a group of 3-year-olds.  So every Sunday we come prepared to teach a short lesson to them and play, eat, sing, talk, read and love them. It is the best fun ever! Their favorite time is at the end when we set up our mechanical bubble blower. Just press the button and instant globes of soap hurl themselves in the air.

At Church we call each other Brother Smith or Sister Jones (depending on what your last name is).  So, I decided I would call my husband "Brother Smith" during our time with the children.

One of the little boys in our class lives right across the street from us.  Whenever we see him we wave and loudly yell "Hello Isaac!"

The other day when my husband was outside in the front yard, Isaac's mother and Isaac came up to him to say hello.  Then she explained how every time Isaac sees him he tells her that he has to go out to see Brother.

So cute. I love those kids :)
