
30 October 2012

IF you have children -Were your children named after someone? ~Family History Tuesday~

My children were named by my sisters and brother. 

Gratefully, my siblings have let me be a part of their children's lives. They don't call me mom, but I contemplate their futures, worry about how others are treating them, hope they are kind to others, believe that they'll make right choices, pray that they feel and know God is near and I love each one of them so much that my heart hurts whenever I think about them.

While I do not have children of my own, I feel that Heavenly Father has blessed me with eight amazing children in my life.

JW: the one who made me an aunt and sweetest, genuine boy I have ever met
M: amazingly original, smart and am so proud of her
E: a creative, sensitive soul
C: what a character! inquisitive and independent-minded
JR: a great reader who may be a great intellect some day
JH: loves, feels and makes one feel at ease
S: an active, go-forth-without-looking-back kind of guy
G: (even though I haven't met her yet) I can see she is bright-eyed and lovely to be around.

XOXOXOXOXOXO to all my sobrinos!

{Family History Tuesday's question found at designzbydede}

23 October 2012

Did you walk to school? Ride a bike? Carpool? Ride the school bus? ~Family History Tuesday~

I walked to school with my sisters and brother during my Elementary School years. 

When I started 7th grade, one of my best friends, Helen, a year younger than me, arranged for me to walk with her older sister on my first day. We couldn't have been more different. The rest of the school year, I walked alone.

During my 8th grade school year, I started walking with a good friend from elementary school. Kim was in the 7th grade and after school we'd hang out at her home since both of her parents worked.  I always left before they came home. 

 At Kim's home, our after-school routine was to put the halves of a bagel, with a slice of American cheese on top, in the toaster oven and snack on that as we watched a TV show called FANTASY. Then Kim would show me the new clothes she had bought or the outfit she had put together or talk about the boy(s) she liked.  After about an hour or so, I walked the 3 blocks back home.

High School was where I started taking the school bus.  My one good friend who did have a car was heavily restricted from using the car for anything but getting to and from school. And so, as a senior I was still taking the bus!

River and Rainbow Phoenix, who I first saw perform on FANTASY

P.S. Come see me on facebook!

{Family History Tuesday prompts found at designzbydede}

16 October 2012

Did you have a car in High School? If so, what kind and what color? ~Family History Tuesday

I didn't own a car in High School.

I didn't own a car in College.

I still don't own a car.

My husband is the car owner, so I guess that makes me the co-owner?

BUT, if I did own a car, it would look something like this:

or this:
or maybe this!:

{Family History Tuesday questions found at designzbydede}

10 October 2012

LIVE on facebook!

Dear Friends,

Thanks for checking out my blog whenever you can.

Someone once asked me ... "When are you going to get a Facebook page?" Well, folks, the time has come.  I have a facebook page now!

Sincerely yours,


check out my fb cover photo --I drew it out and then sent it to family and friends for my one year Wedding Anniversary!

09 October 2012

Have you ever been hospitalized or had surgery? What were the circumstances? ~Family History Tuesday

I was very young. I would say about 4 years old.

I am lying down in a bed, fitted with white sheets. I do understand that my parents cannot be with me and I wonder what they are doing. I look into the faces and eyes of the doctors around me, but they all seemed preoccupied.

I wake up in a different bed. This time I am in a room, alone.  I can hear muffled voices and laughter.  I just lie there not knowing what to do.

After some time, a nurse lady comes in the door holding something in her hand.  She asks me to sit up and I obey.  Next, all I feel is pain, in my knee, from the needle she just poked in it.  Excruciating pain.

Next, I remember my parents at my side. My mom looks sad, but then happy as she wraps her arms around me.

Then my memory ends there.

I haven't had to stay in a hospital since.

{this is not me, just a photo from}

{Family History Tuesday prompts found at designzbydede}

02 October 2012

Did you have a favorite game to play outside with your family when you were growing up?

Who didn't like TV Tag?

I can remember being outside on a cool evening. My sisters, brother and neighborhood kids gathered  in our home's large backyard. A lone tree, whose top was lost in the clouds, was our sturdy friend.  We could turn 'round and 'round him and not get caught.

My brain was ready with it's vast list of every and any television show I had ever watched. I was not going to be IT!

We'd shiver in the dusk as the game played on until our moms called us home.

Best nights ever!

{Family History Tuesday prompts can be found at designzbydede}