
19 March 2012

eggs II

So I finally tried the egg challenge: 

I really needed to find a better way to boil an egg, so I also followed the How To: Hard-Boil an Egg

...rollinG BOIL
Trying to make the first cut into the shell took me some time.  I was trying to keep the knife from sliding off the shell and into my finger.
I tried to be very careful scooping the egg out of the shell. It didn't come out pretty --but with practice it probably will.  I LOVED the way the yolk cooked --semi-soft. I'll most likely try it again.


  1. I've never tried cutting a shell, but I have boiled an egg other than the way Mom showed us. Having Mom here and watching her cook, I realized that she likes to cook everything well-done, especially her eggs! There is a better way...I'm glad you liked your soft favorite. I'll have to show a safer way, with the same results :)
    PS Makes your little sister smile to know that you started off "cooking" in the kitchen :)

  2. Oh, you know, when I do try and "cook" something I do overcook everything --it's like I'm trying to "burn out" the lurking bacteria or something.
