
14 August 2012

Share a memorable family recipe ~Family History Tuesday~

Cooking is not my thing. I keep no recipes.

Once my good friend, who is a smart chef, tried to get me excited about cooking.  As a Christmas gift she made me this decorated binder and put all her favorite recipes in it.  We even spent one evening cooking one of the recipes. 

It didn't work.  I still have no desire. I still keep the binder though.  She put a lot of work and love into that gift.

So, the only recipe I can ever remember wanting to try was probably way back in 1997. Someone in my apartment complex was passing around a "stolen" recipe.  It was Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies. Doesn't that just sound yummy?  I actually made it several times that month. Then like the binder, it probably hangs around somewhere ...not known to me.

{from The Dinner Files}

if you want to know what my last attempt at following a recipe was read eggs II.

{Family History Tuesday prompts found at designzbydede}

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