
19 February 2013

Things I Do Every Day ::52 Lists Project::


"I said, We pray, pray, ah yeah, we pray, pray 
We got to pray just to make it today" -MC Hammer
(hee, hee. this song flashed across my mind when I sat down to write this)

...whether it be out loud or in my heart, 
I can't live a day without praying to my Heavenly Father.

::listen to music::
I usually wake up with a song in my head (Today's was XTC's Supergirl). 
Then throughout the day I listen to music 
while I get ready in the morning, work and sleep.

::"I love you"::
she proclaims as she leans in to kiss her husband goodbye.  
Then she pulls back the door handle and exits the car, 
looking back at him with a smile and turns to...

...ride the train::
every day to get to work.

I'm always reading ...whether it be signs, notes, books, blogs, facebook, cards, newspapers, magazines, letters, ingredients, subtitles, etc. Wherever written letters appear, I stop and READ it. It doesn't even have to be in English, 
I'll try and figure out other languages!

::wander around::

"'Cause I'm a wanderer yeah a wanderer
I roam around around around..." -Dion

(same here, this song just came to mind)

OK, not like that song! But if I feel comfortable enough in an area, I'll go and check things out.  
I like to see what's out there...

and ::snap photos::
of whatever I see. There's so much interesting beauty all around, 
I can't stand for it to be for my eyes alone ...
I have to share it with someone.

It makes me feel good to take pen to hand and just write it out. 
I have papers and notebooks filled with stuff that's not very fascinating, but I JUST HAVE TO WRITE. 

::eat chocolate::
Never a day goes by without it.
(it usually comes in the form of an m&m)

::watch TV/movie::
I will relax by turning on the TV.  
You will most likely find me watching the History Channel or a PBS station. Sometimes I'll even catch American Idol, The Voice, or America's Got Talent. And if none of that interests me, 
I'll put in a DVD that I borrowed from the library or from my own collection and watch that.

ahhhh sleep. nothing better at the end of a day.

What are some things you do every day?

You can find #52lists
on Instagram.

Find me on facebook.


  1. Being your sister...we do just about the same things, but I'd like to add a few. So, here they are:
    Teach - both professionally and at home
    Sing- it forms in my mind and then I have to sing aloud, usually with my girls
    Draw- I love that I can draw at my work and then go home and draw some more. I also love that my girls love to do the same :)
    Cook - I've come to love it, especially because it makes my family and our tummies happy. If I'm not physically cooking, I'm thinking about it and planning it, so it's always on my mind...

  2. Sing- songs will pop into my head according to phrases that people say to me or I overhear. If I'm with the husband I'll sing it out loud JUST FOR HIM :)
    Draw- yep, you definitely got the drawing gene. Glad your girls have picked it up too.
    Cook- not so much. I just haven't got that desire. It still feels like a burden to me.
