
25 September 2012

Do you remember your first date? ~Family History Tuesday~

I didn't realize it was a date.

He called me one afternoon and asked me if I had time that night to watch a movie because he had tickets to see CONTACT. When he showed up at my door that evening, I mentioned something like "Too bad your friend had to cancel at the last moment".  He just looked at me and said nothing.

Sitting in our seats at the theater, I suddenly started becoming uncomfortable. I was realizing that THIS WAS A DATE!! Why didn't he tell me?

Let me explain that my first date was with a former missionary from the lds mission where I served.  Five years after we first met, I ran into him again living in the same neighborhood!  Even more strange was that he had been assigned to be my home teacher. 

The date was fine. I never was the same around him again. Going on a date WAS AWKWARD!. That's probably why I avoided them for such a long time...(read here to find out at what age I went on my first date)

{Family History question found at designzbydede}

18 September 2012

What are your feelings about service to your country? ~Family History Tuesday~

who voluntarily chooses
to serve our country
knowing that it is a real possibility
that their earthly life
could end,
in that service,
immensely rewarded in heaven.

to all of you who serve in our country's military.
randy santos

{Family History Tuesday question is found at designzbydede}

14 September 2012

Why are your favorite bloggers Mormon?

Do you know any of these bloggers?

Leigh Anne ~ Your Homebased Mom

Megan ~ Brassy Apple

Reachel ~ Cardigan Empire

Caroline ~ Armelle Blog

Carrian ~ Sweet Basil

Melissa ~ 320 Sycamore

Shandra ~ Deals to Meals

Kristyn ~ Lil' Luna

Kelli ~ Lolly Jane

Stephanie ~ Somewhat Simple

Becky ~ UCreate

Arianne ~ Still Parenting

Shawni ~ 71 Toes

Lindsey ~ The R House

Kirsten ~ The Crafting Chicks 

Melanie ~ Sugardoodle

Kierste ~ Brown Paper Packages

Shelley ~ How Does She?

I confess, I've only heard of six of them, but they are doing this really cool thing:
"If you are genuinely interested in learning more about many of your favorite bloggers and why [they] are Mormon, send [Mariel] an email with your name and address to
READ the details of what will be sent to you and how you will not be contacted further. 

11 September 2012

Do you enjoy reading? How many books do you usually read in a year? Do you have a favorite genre and/ or series? ~Family History Tuesday~

You might as well ask me if I love breathing?
It's something that I do.
 It's something that just happens, naturally.
It is essential.
So reading is the same for me. 

My mother, unknowingly (I think), started our love for reading.
My father was a student at the University.
In order for him to have undisturbed studying time,
my mom gathered us 4 kids and
walked us down to the neighborhood Library.
Here we could stay occupied for hours
with kind librarians
and access to neverending books
their magnificent illustrations and tales.

Today if you ask any one of the four of us,
"Where is your favorite place?", I think "Library" will be the answer
 (probably after home).

Some of my favorite books are:

and I wrote about one of my all-time favorite books here.

I love to read biographies the most.
I'll browse through the non-fiction
 and always find something I'm interested in.
I'll read fiction here and there,
mainly if someone recommends a good one to me.

Right now I'm reading Girl in Translation.
I though it was a biography at first,
but then realized even though it isn't,
the author lived a life very similar to the main character.

I really don't know
how many books
I read in a year.
I pretty much read and read to know stuff
whether it be in a newspaper, magazine,
blog, website, etc. etc.

FYI:  One of us has a Master of Library Science degree; two of us have a career working in Libraries. The other two have worked in Libraries for a number of years.

{Family History Tuesday prompt is found at designzbydede}

04 September 2012

Did you have a special object that you slept with? blanket? doll? stuffed animal? Did it have a name? ~Family History Tuesday~

Who remembers Pot Belly Bears?

I got mine probably when I was around 11 years old.  He was a bit different from all the others because his nose wasn't fully stuffed and so it was smashed down.

I remember there came a time where I had to have it every night that I slept.  I only felt safe during the night if I had my bear with me.
As I got older, he would travel with me.  I wouldn't take him out of my suitcase. I was good just so long as I knew he was there. In my early twenties I finally just stopped needing to have him around.
Strange that I went that long with him? But I know he's still around somewhere now, I just haven't bothered to look for him anymore.
The End
of the Pot Belly Bear saga...

{Family History Tuesday questions are at designzbydede}