
21 August 2012

What are your favorite board/card games? Write about some of your favorite game memories ~Family History Tuesday~

I love to play games.

We grew up playing board games.  Some of my favorites were LIFE, SORRY, HI-HO CHERRY-O and who could not love CANDYLAND?

I always wanted to get CONNECT FOUR, but never did.

BATTLESHIP was fun to play also. 

When we got a foosball table, I loved that for a time. My brother would get frustrated with me because I had no strategy. I would just twirl a row here and there and somehow get past his men and make a goooooooooooooooooooool!

A memory that sticks out to me that involved a game was one called "Tutti Frutti". It was very simple.  We were a group from Church --Young Women Leaders and their families, plus the young women on a beach trip. If I remember right, we were each assigned a fruit name. We sat in a circle in the living room. Someone in the middle yelled out a fruit. If you were that fruit then you got up out of your seat and tried to find another empty seat to sit in.  If you ended up without a seat then you had to stand in the middle and call out a fruit. When someone called out "Tutti Frutti" then everyone would get up and changes seats. 

It was a hilarious night!  I don't think I've laughed more with a group of friends like I did that night! It was a challenge to get a seat and we'd get pushed over, slide, fall and sometimes accidentally end up on someone's lap!


{Family History Tuesday prompts can be found at designzbydede}

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