
19 March 2013

Good Things to Have for Breakfast ::52 Lists Project::

::french toast::
Waffles are good, pancakes are fine, but french toast is superb!

::hot chocolate::
especially on a frosty morning.
It's the perfect complement to any breakfast item.

::cream cheese omelet::
I first had this delicious dish at a neighborhood eatery.

::buttered toast with applesauce::
a go-to quickie meal.
what my dad would make me
whenever I was home, sick, in bed.

::hash browns::
go with any eggy breakfast food.

::crepes with fruit::
so light. so tasty.

::cream of wheat::
I grew up eating hot oatmeal, so
it was a treat whenever my mom switched
to yummy cream of wheat to eat.

::oatmeal with honey::
will forever remind me of breakfasts in Argentina.
It was all we could afford.

::english muffins::
when just toasted bread is not enough.
All those nooks and crannies
filled with melted butter and sweet jam.

What are your favorite breakfast foods?

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